So for my very first Swatch
Sunday I have decided to try out the new Menow liquid lip gloss which is a very
popular liquid to matte lip gloss recently.They are mostly found in eBay and
for people in BD there are available in various online pages and maybe Gausia.
I bought number 08,22 & 28
from the pages BD budget beauty and Princess Gallery .their price varies
from 170-200tk.
Now let's talk about the
quality.It feels creamy when first used and then after a minute becomes matte.Not
all of them have the same consistency I felt number 22 was more matte than the
ones I have.They do have a weird paint smell to them which I found a bit off
putting but except that everything else was ok.They do come off if you have
oily food and would be need to applied again.Probably good to have for a night
out once or twice a month but I won't suggest using them on a regular basis.A
better option would be the LA splash lip couture which stays on forever and has
a better quality though it is also pricier ranging from 450-500tk. Remove them
using makeup remover or olive oil.I used castor oil and that seemed like the
easiest way as it become dry and flaky and came off while with other methods it
become gooey and a bit messy.
Thats all for now
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